Office-GAP is a Patient Activation Intervention Program that includes: 1) Group visit 2) Physician training for patient activation, and 3) Decision support checklist used in real time in the office.
Patients will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. Patients in Groups 1 or 2 will attend: 1) one scheduled group visit, (90-120 min; 4-6 patients) conducted by the PI/RAs 2)two follow-up visits with their primary care providers in 1 month, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the group visit.
The group visit is a shared decision-making (SDM) activation session wherein patients learn self-management behaviors, medication use, communication skills, and use of decision support tools.
The Office-GAP Checklist is a one-page checklist that outlines all evidence-based medications for prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in DM patients. It is an in-consultation decision support tool that helps engage the patient and physician in initiating and enhancing a SDM process via discussion of medication and secondary prevention/lifestyle changes.